Digital marketing is considerably less expensive than other marketing methods. Specific prices vary based on what you’re doing but ad spend tends to be lower than other forms of marketing. We will work with your team to figure out the best method and implement it.
Customers tend to engage more with marketing materials that combine multiple types of content, including photos, video clips, and audio. It is far easier to incorporate all these content types into digital marketing than any other type of publicity – and it is very important.
Besides communicating with customers, digital marketing lets you track their activities. You can monitor which ads and types of content they have seen shortly before they make a purchase. This tells you which marketing methods are most effective, allowing you to refine and improve your strategy.
There was an interesting research in 2016 that shows that customers do expect business to have a website. 80% of the participants between 18-54 say, that they are more likely to contact a business if it has a website. Not having one could mean your business is missing out of a big chunk of potentials customers.
Can you imagine having to explain to every single customer about your business, services it provides, etc? Yes it would be hard to imagine because it would take away from your day from being productive. Having a website is like a dedicated information portal for your customers to get all the information needed for your business.